Friday 15 April 2016

Similarities between Hindu, Buddha and Islam. Siapa Tiru Siapa ?

Pada mulanya saya tidak mahu memberi apa-apa komentar mengenai isu ceramah Dr Zakir Naik.

Namun, saya terbaca di dalam akhbar Media Arus Perdana bahawa Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu menawarkan sebuah pulau kepada penceramah ini untuk dijadikan pusat penyelidikan Islam.

Merasakan ianya adalah keterlaluan maka saya gagahkan diri menulis artikel ini lalu mengambil tajuk ceramah yang di batalkan itu. Saya tambah agama Buddha supaya perbandingan ini jadi lebih luas.

Tidakkah kita mempunyai keyakinan diri sehingga memerlukan orang asing untuk memulai pusat penyelidikan di sini. Kurangkah bakat warga kita ?

Tambahan pula ianya adalah pusat penyelidikan agama lebih tepat lagi, pusat penyelidikan mazhab . 

Tidakkah kita belajar dari pengalaman. Tidakkah kita perasan bagaimana sekolah pondok, madrasah dan sekolah agama mengeluarkan fanatik agama.

Dari fanatik ianya akan tumbuh menjadi terrorist. Apabila fikiran sudah dipenuhi dengan virus ini ianya adalah mustahil untuk kita membasuhnya kembali.

Seterusnya, apakah kita merasakan dengan menyelidik agama kita boleh menjadi maju ? 

Beribu tahun kita melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri bagaimana agama menjadi alasan utama kepada sebegitu banyak peperangan. Di saat artikel ini ditulis pun peperangan itu sedang berlangsung.

Perlukah kita menyelidik lagi sedangkan jawapannya begitu jelas dihadapkan kepada kita ?

Adalah lebih bagus jika pulau itu ditawarkan kepada ahli penyelidik sains yang pastinya dapat membawa kita menembusi pengetahuan baru. Tidakkah anda rasa begitu ?

Saya melihat ceramah Dr Zakir Naik yang lepas-lepas mengenai perbandingan agama.

Secara peribadi, saya merasakan figura ini tidak membuka kesemua kadnya untuk dibentang di atas meja. 

Beliau menyimpan sesetengah kad sebagai taruhan simpanannya.

Adakah beliau sengaja melakukan sedemikian atau secara jujur tidak mempunyai pengetahan mengenainya saya sendiri pun tiada jawapannya.

Namun, saya dapati beliau tidak membuat perkara paling asas di dalam sesuatu kajian sains. 

Beliau tidak membuat observation dahulu sebelum datang dengan sebuah teori.

Sebaliknya, beliau sudah membuat kesimpulan atau teori berdasarkan mazhab sunni kemudian baru membuat pemerhatian terhadap al quran dan scripture agama lain untuk diselaraskan dengan doktrin theologi mazhab yang menjadi kepercayaan beliau.

Cara ini tidak akan membawa kita kepada kesimpulan muktamad. Iaitu the ultimate truth.

Ia hanya membenarkan kepercayaan mazhab sambil membuat kesimpulan bahawa mazhab dan agama lain menyeleweng kerana tidak sama dengan fahaman mazhab yang beliau percaya. 

Kesalahan yang sama kita ulangi. Merasakan diri betul dan orang lain menyeleweng.

Oleh kerana, keseluruhan blog ini di dedikasikan untuk mengupas persamaan agama dan asas-asasnya.

Maka untuk artikel kali ini saya hanya memasukkan gambar sahaja. 

Untuk para pembaca yang baru menyertai blog ini, cubalah membuat analisa dengan jujur berdasarkan gambar-gamabr ini.

Kata orang gambar menerang 1000 maksud.

Persoalan utama yang perlu kita tanya kepada diri sendiri ialah. Siapa yang tiru siapa ?

Panduannya ialah cuba buat sedikit kajian sejarah dan carikan jawapan agama manakah yang dicipta terlebih dahulu.
Penganut Hindu di Kuil

Penganut Buddha di Pagoda

Penganut agama Islam berdekatan Kaaba

Sejujurnya apabila anda melihat imej di bawah, pakaian apakah yang terlintas di fikiran anda ? Mengapa ia begitu menyerupai pakaian di dalam agama kita ?

Seterusnya lihat pula kepada video ritual ini. Siapa tiru siapa ?

Perhati atau observe samada adakah para nabi dan rasul pernah sampai  ke tempat-tempat ini jikalah sekiranya ritual ini adalah perintah Tuhan.

Pradakshina atau circumambulate atau tawaf di dalam agama Hindu

Pradakshina atau circumambulate atau tawaf di dalam agama Buddha

Pradakshina atau circumambulate atau tawaf di dalam agamaIslam

Baru-baru ini ada seorang pembaca bertanya mengenai perhimpunan Hari Jumaat berdasarkan kepada Surah nombor 62 iaitu Surah Al Jumu'ah ayat no. 9.

Persoalannya adakah benar Al Quran bercerita mengenai "Hari Jumaat" atau kita hanya meniru-niru.

Apabila kita menyatakan agama yang kita percaya mempunyai 5 rukun sebelum diterima menjadi ahli. 

Adakah kepercayaan kita itu asli atau hanya meniru-niru ? Kenapa perlu 5 atau pancha ? Apa lagi yang sinonim dengan pancha ?

Siapa tiru siapa ?

Berikut adalah sedikit jawapan penceramah yang menjadi isu di negara kita apabila ditanya mengenai keperluan membuat pradakshina atau circumambulate atau tawaf di Kaaba.

Bagi saya jawapannya berpusing-pusing seperti resam ritual itu sendiri. 

Beliau mengeluarkan jawapan sebegitu sambil mengemukakan hujah "Bukanlah kebajikan itu menghadapkan dirimu ke timur atau ke barat ..."

Bagaimanakah kita boleh merasakan orang ini bijaksana, banyak pengetahuan, berilmu dan sebagainya sedangkan beliau tidak dapat memahami arahan mudah Al Quran. 

Yang parahnya beliau mengetahui mengenainya, malah berhujah dengannya ?

Apabila Al Quran mengeluarkan arahan ini, bahagian manakah daripadanya yang kita tidak faham ?


"Allah tidak ampun apa yang dengan-Nya disekutukan, dan Dia ampun yang selain itu kepada siapa Dia hendaki, dan sesiapa sekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu, dia sesat dalam kesesatan yang jauh" AQ 4:116

Sesungguhnya arahan Al Quran sangat jelas, ringkas dan mudah. 

Namun, manusia membuat rintangan demi rintangan, fahaman atas fahaman, bengkok dan pusing U di sana sini hanya untuk mewajarkan perbuatan mereka menyembah medium yang lain selain dari Tuhan, Yang Maha Berkuasa dan Ghaib dari pandangan mata ini.

Dengan menyembah perkara lain selain dari Tuhan, maka sebenarnya kita hanyalah menyembah berhala. 

Itulah hakikatnya walau apa pun jawapan yang "orang alim" di kalangan kita cuba pusing.Tidakkah kita memahaminya ?


"Yang mereka sembah (yad-oo-naa) selain Allah itu, tidak lain hanyalah berhala, dan dengan itu mereka tidak lain hanyalah menyembah syaitan yang derhaka" AQ 4:117


"Katakanlah : "Mengapa kamu menyembah selain daripada Allah, sesuatu yang tidak dapat memberi mudharat kepadamu dan tidak pula memberi manfaat?" Dan Allah-lah yang Maha mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui" AQ 5:76

Tulisan ini bukan ditulis atas dasar benci atau meluat dengan kejayaan orang lain.

Bagi saya isu ini adalah tauladan untuk kita. Supaya sama-sama dapat membuat pengertian yang lebih mendalam. 

Terutama mengenai pengertian perkataan "solla" atau lebih dikenali sebagai solat.

Ia menguatkan teori blog ini mengenai pengertian perkataan solat dengan membuat pemerhatian atau observation ke atas seorang individu bernama Dr Zakir Naik.

Di mana, kita boleh perhatikan bahawa kejayaan Dr Zakir Naik adalah atas dasar iltizam nekad beliau untuk bersungguh-sungguh memburu kecemerlangan di dalam bidang dakwah.

Kita perlu faham bahawa kecemerlangan  ini datang tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah kerana beliau berusaha.

Tanyalah kepada diri sendiri. Jikalah seseorang itu percaya bahawa solat itu memberi erti ritual penyembahan. 

Bolehkah dengan hanya melakukan ritual ini berjuta-juta rakaat tanpa langsung berusaha memburu kecemerlangan. Hanya duduk goyang kaki dirumah. Adakah kita akan berjaya ?

Begitu pula, jika kita tidak mempercayai bahawa perkataan solat itu membawa erti ritual penyembahan. 

Kita langsung tidak melakukan ritual penyembahan ini walaupun satu rakaat seumur hidup kita tetapi tidak berusaha keluar rumah untuk mengejar cita-cita kita.

Adakah anda rasa kita boleh mencapai kejayaan dan kecemerlangan ?

Usaha. Iltizam. Cita-cita. Keazaman. Komitmen. Itulah formulanya. Itulah maksud perkataan solat dalam erti kata yang lebih luas.

Buat atau tidak ritual penyembahan tidak menjadi soal. Tetapi jika tiada usaha, iltizam, komitmen atau cita-cita. Kita pasti akan gagal.

Siapa tiru siapa ? Apakah similarities atau persamaan yang kita boleh simpulkan melalui gambar ini ?



Persoalan besar yang perlu kita tanya kepada diri kita sendiri ialah adakah semua ritual ini dijelaskan dengan terperinci di dalam Al Quran ?

Atau ianya berasal-usul dari buku-buku lain, yang selain dari Al Quran ?

Kebenaran amat memedihkan.




  2. 1000JUTA untuk JAKIM masih tidak mencukupi nampaknya untuk memajukan Islam kononnya...1 lagi pembaziran wang cukai.

    Apa yg sy nmpk, di saat kerajaan semakin hilang sokongan, agama dijadikan candu untuk memperdaya rakyat terutama org Melayu yg mudah dimainkan dengan sentimen perkauman & keagamaan. Pelbagai wang disalurkan kpd perkara2 keagamaan utk mendapat sokongan.

    Ini memecahkan lagi perpaduan rakyat kerana ketidakadilan yg kerajaan lakukan.

  3. Bagus juga tulis pasal ni, bagus untuk SEO. Sekurang-kurangnya akan keluar dalam search result bila org Google pasal Dr Zakir Naik atau perbandingan agama.

  4. saya menunggu tuan ash wed untuk menulis tentang forum dr zakar naik ni. akhirnya ada juga.

  5. Perbezaan antara agama tidak jelas tetapi yang ada cuma persamaan..sedangkan Tuhan Yang Esa turunkan Quran sebagai "pembeza" iaitu antara kitab rekaan dan tokok tambah peg. tertinggi agama dan sebagai "pembeza" antara ahli/penganut agama rekaan manusia dengan muslim(yang mencapai kedamaian dan yakin akan TUHAN yang SATU) supaya manusia tidak berpuak2 dan timbul slh faham lalu berpecah dan akhirnya berperang.

    Ajaran Quran sdh nyata,ayuh buka mata dan minda kita ,capai kedamaian dan rasakan kejayaan.

  6. God is only one. When whoever say my God is bigger or better than your God, their think there are more than one God! Hindus never compare. There is no need. Believe in the real God. Love Humanity

  7. Satu Tuhan..panggilan berbeza..gelaran berbagai.(Guru Nanak).

  8. Its easy to declare oneself a Muslim but difficult to Be Real one.(GuruNanak)

  9. Dear Asweed
    I have been reading your blog in great interest for quite some time. In fact I had read all your posts and some of them really really intrigued me. However some of your writing seems to be a bit swallow.
    As mention before your are OK if your readers do not agree with you. Your intention is not to force people to agree with you. You just want people to "think".
    Reffering to this post, referring to the video by DZN, it seems to me he did answer the question and according to my understanding his answer is clear. The Kaabah is a method to unite. Allah is nearereally than your vein.

    1. I think you should read the book "Quranic Geography" by Dan Gibson.

    2. Salam Saudara Mohamad Pahlavi,

      I must admit that yes DZN clearly answered the question. However, personally i think the answer was quite shallow for a man of his status.

      As a muslim myself, i always came across religious scholar uphold the belief that kaaba is baitullah which according to them means house of Allah. As the consequences, Muslim travel across the continent just to be near the kaaba. To them Allah lived in the desert. He was nowhere near their vein.

      They also told their viewers that kaaba is only a medium of unification. Just like DZN did in the video. That being the answer, DZN should explained why the sunni and syiah were still at war inspite of thousand years of union around the kaaba ?

      I also explained further in my article that the real reason people achieve success was not because of ritual. It was sheer passion and dedication that formulate their achievement. DZN was the living proof of my theory.

      As for my articles that sometimes seems to be a bit swallow. I admit that i am still learning to be a good writer. I wish i could learnt it the easy way that is to write something that people want to read and commonly agreed on. But, maybe sometimes bitter pill is hard to swallow. Don't you think so ? Tq


    3. Dear Anonymous,
      Thank you for the suggestion. Insya'Allah I will find and read the book.

    4. Dear Asweed
      1. All masjid is house of Allah. Kaabah is unity for Solat.
      2. Sunni & Syiah war as you already knew was originally a political reason. But atleast they don't argue about the kiblat. Hahaha.
      3. Solat not on earth situation:I'm no scholar but this is my opinion. When time comes, the scholar your come to a consensus on the kiblat. FYI, Allah is every where. Example; if you're lost in the forest and don't know the Kiblat, than you can Solat in any direction.
      4. Solat without effort will not produce much result. Can you name any Malaysian religious scholar that preach by only Solat you can be successfully? Dedication and hard work is the key to success. That is the sign of Allah fairness.
      5. Your blog got my interest. Please continue to write. Maybe someday we can meet and discuss.

    5. Dear mohamadpahlavi zakaria,

      Please show prove or fact for no. 1 & 2. Where in Quran state that masjid is house of Allah. Don't say that 'ustaz yg cakap'.

      FYI, Quran is for mankind, I don't think god is that stupid or same level as DZN to ask mankind to unite with kaaba. As long as you depend on scholar, you will never get your answer. You can depend on them, but after all please check Quran too.

    6. Politicalamity919 April 2016 at 23:48

      All religions have their own type of congregation, now exclusively to Islam. Remember, Allah had declared all previous scriptures as null and void with the revelation of Quran. The core meaning of solat (sola) and masjid (which includes the Kaabah), mentioned in the Quran, themselves are actually questionable. We do not know whether or not our current mainstream rituals and practices that we regard as Islamic are indeed the kind of 'rituals, practiced and preached by our last prophet.
      My journey in seeking the truth and not ritualistic Islam started when I lived in Makkah for more than a year. I saw not only the superficiality of what been pictured to us by photos and stories of umrah and hajj goers but the reality of life there, murders, prostitution and theft are there, which for me does not reflect the nature of the land of peace as promised by Allah. Hence, my search brought me to this blogsite, Quranic Geography, Kassim Ahmad, Aidid Safar - Mental Bondage, and the likes.
      If u believe in the Quran, you will believe the universality of its teaching and guidance provided... and 6:116 could as well refers to us now rather than historically.

    7. Dear Cikgu Rosli,
      1. I'm not a religious scholar. I'm just some layman. Coming back to the subject, even tough all masjid are called house of Allah, that does not mean that Allah live's there. Please don't takes thing literally.
      2. Sunni Syiah war. Obviously there arent any mention about their war origin inside the Quran.
      3. I do agree that Quran is for mankind. Not restricted no Muslim only. Most scholar also believe the same.

      The scholars are are just human. They make mistake. No doubt. They also need some check and balance all the time.
      We can't swallow everything those scholars said. That is why in Islam there is no priesthood. No person like the Pope, Dalai lama etc.

    8. Dear mohamadpahlavi zakaria,

      1. You don't need to be religious scholar* to understand & explain Quran. I just asking where in Quran that state masjid is house of Allah.
      2. I know its not in Quran, what I really mean is just give any fact or reference from anywhere base on your believe should be ok, not just from Quran.
      3. Good to know.

      Yes I agree when you said that, but in reality most of people do priesthood scholars/ustaz etc, just they don't want to admit that. You can observe this, look people around you. Or maybe look at yourself*, honestly.

      Just believe in yourself...its all in your heart...your choice.

      No matter what, live peacefully..that is the only way of life accepted by Him (3/85).


    9. 3. Syukur if its true most scolars believe the same.

      It is us that need to check, we cant know if they do checking or not and wether they are right or not.

    10. There is priesthood is Islam...the Islamists just refer to their ostards because the ostards can speak arabic and read a lot of kitab2 tulisan tangan manusia.

      No, the ostard is not a priest but just sort of mediator between God and mankind. Sometimes the ostard knows things that the prophets didnt know. Sometimes they know more than God Himself...or else, how would they have written those books and haramkan this and that when the Quran didnt say so?


    11. Dear Cikgu Rosli,
      1. I'm not religious scholar thus I don't know weather it is mention about Baitullah in the Quran referring to a mosques or not. Seems to me, you are placing yourself as a relisious scholar due pitting yourself as "know it all about Quran". But again, please do not go into extreme. I would like highlight again, even tough it is call as house of God, it those not mean that God live there. Same as we mention hand of God. It does not mean God have a hand like human.
      2. I can't understand what you are trying to point out.
      3. THanks.

      4. Yes. We have to admit that some people tend to follow blindly the ustaz etc. That is the problem. Reason for such, is most Muslim don't really read the Quran. Same like myself, I only sometimes read the Quran. Reason being is do my commitment- amanah (according to Asweed - solat) to my daily job etc.
      5. Thank you for your advice. Same advice also goes to you. Please dont go into extreme. As mention in the Quran; "listen to all views...".

    12. Salam mohamadpahlavi

      Do you believe kaabah is a method to unite?
      Does it work?
      Do muslims really unite?

      Marilah kita baca al quran dengan minda yang terbuka. Dengan izin penulisnya kita dapat memahami ajarannya

    13. 1. I dont find anywhere in cikgu rosli's comment that says he knows all about the Quran. He just asked mr pahlavi to prove his point.

      2. Mr Pahlavi admitted that he doesnt know whether Baitullah refers to mosque in the Quran. He only thinks so or assumes so, because thats what the religious scholars said.

      From my observation, cikgu rosli has read the Quran and has thought it over as God ordered us to do. While mr pahlavi is only guessing and following the religious scholars. He seems to be comfortable doing so and has no interest to go beyond it to prove his point to cikgu rosli.

    14. Dear mohamadpahlavi zakaria,

      1. I'm not placing myself as a religious scholar, plus I believe god does not give religion to human, but a guideline or order or way of life to live in His amazing world peacefully and successfully. Religion is made by human and just divide human. Nowadays, with knowledge development and technology advances, its easily to understand Quran.

      I want to share how I understand Quran, maybe I'm wrong or other can share if they have better method. Usually I use or to read because they provide many translations, if I not understand I will open word by word translation to find the root word and get the meaning, e.g. You need arabic dictionary. Even more, you can compare all root word occurs here and check the meaning/usage in other verse. Same like hand (, you can find the meaning of the root word and check the usage at other verse, you will understand the meaning. Please check also 'buyut' and 'bait', both have different meaning. Hope this help.

      2. Ignore this because I'm sure you can't give any.

      3. Welcome.

      4. I do believe god give all human race same minutes, same days and same years. I suggest instead of reading the blog or comment or facebooking, you can read Quran. Install the app on your phone would help, for android.

      5. I don't know which part show my extremist and I'm not forcing you, I'm just asking to make sure. After all, its your choise. Nobody can force our believe and only god know who is wrong or right. You still can depend on scholars and follow most people if you want and don't have much time. Yes Quran ask to listen all views and choose the best (39/18).


    15. mohamadpahlavi, that's why Cikgu Rosli asking you. He want to listen to your view. But you answering by not answering.

    16. Dear mohamadpahlavi zakaria,

      1. I not place myself as a religious scholar, I believe god do not give religion to human but a guideline or order or a way of life to us to live peacefully and successfully in His wonderful world. Religion made by human and religion divides human being. Nowadays, with increased knowledge and the development of technology, it's quite easy to understand Quran.

      Let me share how I learn & understand Quran, this might not be perfect but please share if other readers have better method. Usually I will read at or, because they provide many translations. If I not understand or need more understanding of the verse, I will open word by word translation. For example, And from there, I can know the root word and find other verses that have same derivation and do the comparison of the meaning and usage of the word, e.g. For more understanding, I will use arabic dictionary to get the root word meaning. Hope this help. Think, ponder the verse, seek to understand what Allah is teaching us, and seek the guidance of Allah.

      2. Just ignore this as I'm sure you can't give any proof.

      3. Welcome

      4. I believe god gives all human race same minutes, same days & same years. I suggest instead of reading blog, commenting or facebooking, spend your time reading Quran. Just install the quran app in your phone would help.

      5. I don't know where I showed my verse extreme, I just asking to make sure & listen to your views. Yes Quran did mention listen to all views and follow the best (39/18).


  10. If Allah is nearer than your veins then why should you go to far away land to communicate to him?
    "Kaabah is a method to unite"...where does it say so in the Quran? What Quran says is to "face" masjidil haram...not kaabah. Did u notice how masjidil haram the mosque change? Don't tell me that the focus of Muslim is changeble? Masjidil haram in the quran must means something else...not a building.
    Allah is Lord of the are Lord"s being in the universe rukuk n sujud? Towards Mecca? Even in earth outer space (astronauts) cannot face masjidil haram the mosque what more in the galaxy far far away.
    Muslims have been indoctrinated
    since young. Letting go of old beliefs is frightening especially being nranded kafeer. But spiritual awakening is a wonderous journey. I ask honestly for it and He answered. It is true, we need to be observant of the world around us like the Quran tells us to.

  11. Salam Saudara Mohamad Pahlavi,

    I must agree with you that yes DZN answered the question clearly. However, being a Muslim myself, I always came across people saying that the Kaaba is baitullah which according to them means house of Allah. Millions of Muslim travel across the continent to be near the baitullah. If unification was the true answer then DZN should explained why Sunni and syiah were at war even after thousand of years of union at the Kaaba.

    I also explained further in my article that ritual was not the real reason people achieve success. It was their sheer passion and dedication that formulate people achievement.

    DZN was the living proof of my theory. Tq.


  12. Salam,

    Sorry on the duplicate answer. Smartphone was not working well on the RnR area. I do embrace dissenting view. Its the only way to arrive to the ultimate truth.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sebenarnya tiada tiru meniru, segalanya adalah ketentuan mengikut wayang yg d tentukan. Dunia ini akan dikitar semula. Dunia akan d kiamatkan. Hanya banjir besar dan kemusnahan bumi

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Akan ada manusia terhijab dan tak terhijab. Semua milik tuhan. Kepelbagaian adalah brands. Hanya menunjukkan kehebatan yg menjadikan. Kita semua jalani hidup sendiri. Maka jadikan dunia untuk membaiki diri. Kerana dtg bersaorangan dan akan pulang sendirian. So make your own life according to apa yg kamu RASA dan bukan dengan dogma manusia lain

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Akan ada manusia terhijab dan tak terhijab. Semua milik tuhan. Kepelbagaian adalah brands. Hanya menunjukkan kehebatan yg menjadikan. Kita semua jalani hidup sendiri. Maka jadikan dunia untuk membaiki diri. Kerana dtg bersaorangan dan akan pulang sendirian. So make your own life according to apa yg kamu RASA dan bukan dengan dogma manusia lain

  19. Itu belum kira persamaan dengan ajaran Kristian...banyak hadis2 ciptaan terdapat persamaan dgn Injil spt tudung tutup kepala, 2nd coming, aqeedah, bunuh org murtad, rejam penzina, kisah para nabi, kisah wanita dr tulang rusuk, gantung ayat2, baca amin, dsb...

  20. salam tuan,

    many non muslims have converted to islam after hearing the talks of dr zakir naik. i think the reason for it because he uses logic to answer the questions. logic can defy traditional belief if the person is honest on finding the truth.

    same goes with islam. i think by logical reasoning, we too can find the true teaching of al quran.

    1. Salam anon 18 April 2016,

      I read somewhere in the net in regard of evangelist or televangelist.

      This set of performer actually arrange their convert to make appearance in tv's of course with a fee.

      It's a show. No doubt he is so good at it.


    2. Yeap, I always thought so.. that it was all just a show.

    3. Ramai juga yg jd atheis bila mula berfikir dan tidak mahu terus terusan di tipu dgn tipu daya agama.

  21. salam tuan,

    jawapan dr zakir naik mengenai kaabah sebagai simbol penyatuan umat islam adalah jawapan yang am.

    Tetapi dr zakir naik tidak pula mengupas tentang larangan Allah untuk umat manusia supaya tidak menyembah batu ciptaan manusia. Larangan inilah di turunkan kepada seluruh umat manusia zaman berzaman.

  22. My verdict from observing Muslim preacher Zakir Naik -

  23. My opinion is that DZN is only talking about what God says in his book (AlQuran, Bible etc.). Don't look at the followers. That's why DZN want to say about similarities between the religions (hindhu, islam, buddha, christian etc.) because god is only ONE.

  24. Sorry to say... kaabah ni cuma satu simbol ekonomi mekah shj... sama shj konsep dgn agama2 lama yg wujudkan satu arca di tempat2 tertentu cuma utk menarik org dtg buang duit, derma. Al-Quran pun byk tiru ideologi2 agama terdahulu dan sains terdahulu... tgk ayat AQ pun bukan direct to berbunga2 so bisa buat pentafsir mentafsir ikut apa yg mereka mahu.

  25. " Al-Quran pun byk tiru ideologi2 agama terdahulu dan sains terdahulu... tgk ayat AQ pun bukan direct to berbunga2 so bisa buat pentafsir mentafsir ikut apa yg mereka mahu"
    Slm damai pd otai2 semua,,,sudilah kiranya bagi pencerahan
    kt statement ni....tergantung,,tksih


      Agak mencabar,,,setelah melalui mental bondage & seumpamanya...

    2. Bukan mudah nak bawa ajaran baru... jadi paling mudah nak tarik follower adalah dgn meneruskan legasi nabi2 jelmaan terdahulu... yg paling senang masukkan segala ajaran nabi femes waktu itu... ibrahim, musa, isa dan segala nabi2 jelmaan yg bau2 bacang waktu itu... bukn susah pun sbb nabi2 lain semua dah wafat kan... so xde org nak bantah... andaikata hidup pun.. jadi je mcm mat maslan.. atas kapasiti nak jaga periuk nasik sendiri ia kan ajer semua perlakuan najib... agama ini semua politik kuasa je.. agama ni cuma alat utk cari follower utk kuasa...

      Suatu buku sejarah... sorry sy anggap AQ ni cuma buku sejarah n buku fantasi j3... nak bg cantik n laku buku tu supaya senang jual ialah dgn buat kesinambungan dan pembaikkan dr history2 terdahulu... baru boleh menarik minat org nak baca dan beriman kononnya... ramai yg mengikut mohd tau x sebab apa? Pegi tanya pengikut ayah pin.. why ikut ayah pin hehehe... sama konsep je dulu dan skrg... x berubah lansung...

      Nanti smbung blk...

    3. Aisey tn,,,tk sambung pun hehe

      Slm damai,,abis tu tn kesinambungan ajaran yg mohamamad bawa tu sehingga pernah menguasai dunia sehingga 700 thn kemuncak tu, acaner tu dia nye pencerahan...tuhan, nabi, mohamad, quran...maap ye klu xrelevan...tkasih
